HPWWC Practitioners

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HPWWC is expanding. Many changes are now happening because of the expanding use of homeoprophylaxis. This is monumental and very good – and testament of what you, as practitioners are doing.

Thank you.

Because of this, we are implementing changes in the homeopathic medicines available to you for use prophylactically.

Please understand there will likely be some “nicks”/glitches as we settle in to this new order of things – and as we take these first precious and vital steps forward.

What we now have are two separate means of access for long-term homeoprophylactic kits as well as individual homeoprophylactic medicines. These are:

1 – Because HPWWC’s central offices are in Texas, we ask, if you are an HPWWC practitioner residing and practising in Texas, please continue using use the form below to order homeoprophylactic kits and medicines.

2 – Otherwise, if you are an HPWWC practitioner residing and practising outside of Texas, please use the following secure link to order homeoprophylactic kits
and medicines:

Narayani Remedies HP Kit


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To order an HP kit if you reside in Texas, please use the following contact form and we will invoice you for the kits. Once the invoice has been paid, the kit(s) will be shipped to you (or to the address that you specify).
